Welcome to the Christian Herbalist Guild (CHG)

Herbal Education, Support, & Professional Networking

What You Will Get with Membership In the Christian Herbalist Guild (CHG)

  • Access to all current and past workshops
  • Professional herbal resources
  • Monthly online herbal meetup
  • List your herbal business in our directory for free
  • Exclusive discounts with other Christian herbal businesses
  • Access to the annual Christian Herbalist Guild conference (includes access to past conference replays)

Become a part of the Mission to Heal the Sick and Take Every Thought Captive for Christ Jesus

By joining the Christian Herbalist Guild you will be at the cutting edge of a revolution within the industry. Whether you are a professional herbalist, a student, an herbal business, or run a school, you will find the support you need as a member of the CHG. Therefore, join today and connect with likeminded herbalists who share your faith!

Join the Christian Herbalist Guild today & connect to the support network you have been looking for!

The Mission of the Christian Herbalist Guild

  • Heal the sick, and bring comfort to the hurting in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Support professional Christian Herbalists and herbal students in their education and careers.
  • Promote herbal medicine within the Christian community.
  • Establish a network of free herbal clinics in underserved communities.
  • Educate people in the Christian worldview as it pertains to herbs, nature, healing, and illness.
  • To take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Join Today

The CHG provides you with a safe and supportive environment in which to grow as an herbalist amongst other Christians. Through education, networking opportunities, and professional advancement, the CHG can help you prosper in the field of herbal medicine without having to compromise or hide your faith.

Join the CHG & connect to the support network you have been looking for!

Note: The CHG is hosted by the School of Christian Herbalism.

The Christian Herbalist Guild: Education, Support, Professional Development, and Networking.
The CHG: Education, Support, Professional Development, and Networking.

“You are a missionary in the world of Holistic Herbal Health! Therefore, go! Take it captive and make it obedient to Jesus Christ! In this way, bring spiritual healing a sick and dying world lying in darkness — offering healing of soul, as well as body!”

Vas Avramidis – Community Herbalist, Teacher, and Missionary

Learn more …

Join the Guild Today! 

Note: The CHG is hosted by the School of Christian Herbalism.

Christian Herbalist Guild
Come and find fellowship

“Down the middle of the great street of the city, on each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”

Revelation 22.2

The CHG was founded in 2023 as an educational and networking organization for Christian Herbalists and their clients. Thus, the guild is dedicated to promoting and supporting Christians who are interested in herbalism and alternative medicine. The CHG’s primary goal is to promote the professional and safe use of herbs from a Christian perspective.