FAQ – Christian Herbalist Guild
Is the Christian Herbalist Guild for professional herbalists only?
No. All are welcome to join the Christian Herbalist Guild.
Regardless of what your level of experience in herbal medicine, you are welcome to join the Christian Herbalists Guild. As a member you will have access to educational resources, networking opportunities, and exclusive discounts from herbal business partners. Plus, you will help to promote the mission of the Christian Herbalist Guild to bring healing to the sick and comfort to the hurting, by taking every thought captive for Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Are you affiliated with any church or denomination?
No. The CHG is a trans-denominational mission.
The CHG is not affiliated with any church or denomination. It is the vision of the CHG to offer all Christians the opportunity to fellowship with one another in a safe and supportive environment regardless of pour differences. The Christian Herbalist Guild is a trans-denominational mission. This means that we seek to find unity with all Christian who profess faith in Christ as God and Savior. Thus, we only require that members profess belief in the primary doctrines listed below.
The Christian Herbalist Guild affirms the following primary doctrines:
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Jesus is both fully God and fully Man.
Jesus died and rose from the dead for their salvation.
The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — Three Persons, One Essence.
Why do we need a Christian Herbalists Guild?
The Christian Herbalist Guild was founded to provide an environment where you could study herbal medicine without being taught worldviews that are contrary to your Christian faith.
Frustrated. Isolated. Persecuted.
These are just some words used by Christian Herbalists to describe their work. The majority of herbal schools, professional organizations, and practitioners promote non-Christian worldviews. Some are even hostile towards Christianity. As a result, Christian herbalists feel like outcasts. Wondering, ‘where can I turn for support?’ The Christian Herbalist Guild (CHG) was founded to offer you that needed support. Now you no longer have to feel alone!
If you have ever felt frustrated, isolated, or persecuted as a Christian herbalist, you are not alone. There are many other Christians in the same position. We want to help connect you with those Christians who are seeking to honor God while working with herbs.

Do you offer Herbal Certification?
The CHG is not a school, nor do we offer educational certificates. However we do offer a professional registered herbalist designation.
The Christian Herbalist Guild offers two professional herbal registrations, the Christian Community Herbalist registration (CHGe), and the Christian Clinical Herbalist registration (CHGp). Both of these herbal registrations are professional level designations.
The Christian Community Herbalist registration is primarily geared towards herbal educators, who work with the public to educate them on herbal practices from a Christian worldview. This does not mean that you do not offer holistic assessment and make herbal recommendations, but your primary role is to work as an educator.