Christian Health Coaches
Here you will find a listing of Christian health coaches. The herbalists listed here have all professed their faith in Christ and confirmed belief in the following doctrines:
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
- Jesus is both fully God and fully Man.
- Jesus died and rose from the dead for their salvation
- The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — Three Persons, One Essence.
The Christian Herbalist Guild is a transdenominational mission. This means that we seek to find unity with all Christian who profess faith in Christ as God and Savior. Thus, we only require that the businesses/herbalists listed here profess belief in the above primary doctrines. As a result, we do not endorse or promote any of the businesses or herbalists listed here — it is up to you to do your own research to determine if they are a good fit for you.
Health Coaches

Healthy Direction, LLC
- Health Coaching
- Consultations
Certifications: Certified Natural Health Professional, Certified Nutritional Counselor, Certified Health Specialist, Master Herbalist, Certified Natural Health Consultant and Naturopath
Natural Health Ministries Education Center

900 Gabbardtown Rd Berea KY 40403
100 Mason Lake Rd. Berea KY 40403 (Clinic)
- Iridology Consultations
- Natural Wellnes Consultations
- Holistic Christian Herbalist Consultations
- Holistic Nutritional Consultations
- Quantaum Magnetic Resonance Consultations
- Faith & Health Consultations
- Flower Essence Consultations
- Journal Therapy
- Online Education with courses & classes.
- Pop Up Community Clinic
- Teens Club, and more.
Visit the Natural Health Ministries Education Center
Seeking Optimal Wellness
- Biofeedback for stress and pain management
- Nutritional counseling
- Supplements
Please consider supporting these Christian health coaches.
If you would like your Christian herbal business, blog, or practice listed here, please become a member, and complete the appropriate application. Click here to become a member.
Submitting an application is not a guarantee of listing. Your business will only be listed as long as you maintain an active membership.
For more information about becoming a member, click here.
The Christian Herbalist Guild does not endorse nor promote any of the herbal businesses, practices, or blogs listed here, and is in no way responsible for their content. Readers must do their own research. The Christian Herbalist Guild does not provide any medical diagnosis or treatment, we are not doctors. Information contained here is for informational purposes only.